MUV601 - Robin Le Couteur - Assignment 1, blog 4 -2018

MUV601 - Robin Le Couteur - Assignment 1, blog 4 -2018

Blog 4 MUVE Viewers - Alchemy

The other viewer I investigated is the Alchemy viewer
Alchemy is developed by the following team:
  • Drake Arconis | Project Manager | Lead Developer
  • Cryo  | Linux Developer | Server Administrator
  • Cinder  | Mac Developer
  • Lirusaito  | Feature Fox
  • Electron  | Designer
Alchemy has the base functionality of most viewers like Firestorm, and also has the option to log onto OpenSim grids. In fact, unlike Firestorm, Alchemy actively releases updates for OpenSim which is an advantage over Firestorm.
When in world all the movement, build, and other controls are pretty much the same, so there's not really any learning curve. the difference is mainly in the menus and UI stuff
After using both Alchemy and Firestorm, I felt like Alchemy was easier to use. The interface feels more modern and more comfortable; it's not too cluttered. I found that there was no issues using the interface and if not for the issues that I didn't have in Firestorm, I would prefer to use Alchemy. Stuff like the little tools on the left and the bottom of the screen feel really intuitive for me. Alchemy just feels nice and simple.

Something cool that Firestorm doesn't have is that left hand side set of tools. Starting from the bottom, they let you pull up stats on fps, ping, etc:

Next up is quick environment settings:

Then the next one toggles the minimap:

Next pulls up your landmarks list:

Next is a search window:

Then this one pulls up the inventory:

And the last one at the top pulls up settings for your outfit which is really cool:

All of these are commonly used which makes it really convenient that they are one click away.

Here's what the Alchemy interface looks like as a whole:

My Impression

When I first opened up Alchemy, It felt really nice and fresh. As mentioned above I really liked how the interface was designed and I would use Alchemy more if not for its issues shown below

Something I noticed about Alchemy is that it didn’t always display stuff properly. An issue I was able to see quite prominently was that my avatar was quite strangely distorted. This is something I never seem to have an issue with when using Firestorm. I also saw some strange graphical glitches when loading into some locations.

Here's an example of the strange distortion with my avatar, I also had some of the hair missing at one point:



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