MUV601 - Robin Le Couteur - Permissions Activity -2018

Robin Le Couteur's Permissions Activity Blog

In this blog I'll be giving my thoughts and answers for the Permissions Activity

Activity 1.  In pairs
  1. What problems are you finding? Figuring out how to share to an individual
  2. How do you overcome them? By testing out different ways of sharing.
  3. What permissions do you need to use? You can go into someones profile and check the 'Edit, delete, or take my objects' box, and that person will be able to edit any of your objects, you can share to a group, so people in that group can edit the object, or you could drag the object to the chat with another person to give them the object. Changing the 'Next owner' settings will change what someone who takes the object can do with it
  4. Who owns the final object? Me
  5. Who shows as the creator of the final object? The original creator of the object.
  6. What permissions does the next owner of the object have? The permissions that the creator set for 'Next owner', plus any additional restrictions placed by previous owners.

Activity 2.  In groups of 4  
  1. What problems are you finding? Having issues with having full permissions on the object.
  2. How do you overcome them? By changing the script perms as well as the object perms.
  3. What permissions do you need to use? You need to change the object permissions as discussed in activity 1, but you also need to change the perms of the script as well.
  4. Who owns the final object? Me
  5. Who shows as the creator of the final object? The original creator of the object.
  6. What permissions does the next owner of the object have? The permissions that the creator set for 'Next owner', plus any additional restrictions placed by previous owners.
Activity 3.
Imagine that you have created a really clever, heavily scripted sword which you are selling in a shop in Second Life for $1000L and which has been earning you a small but steady income for several months.  However, sales have dropped significantly over the last few weeks and one day you realise that the exact same sword (it even still has the silly name that you gave it) is being sold on the SL Marketplace for $10L.  You buy one to investigate further and discover that you are no longer shown as the creator although everything else is the same (although you can’t open the script to check that). You suspect it has been stolen and copied especially when a friend tells you that they saw the same sword as a freebie in OpenSim.
  • How could your sword have been stolen? It could have been exported because permissions on the object were not restrictive enough.
  • How could it be in OpenSim? Since the object was exported, it could be imported to an OpenSim grid as a mesh.
  • How could it be in SL with a different creator name showing? The person who uploaded the mesh would be the owner in SL because the exported mesh doesn't contain the Permissions and details of the item.
  • Who would you report it to? You would report it to Linden Labs as a DMCA copyright infringement.
  • How would you  try to stop it happening? Be more restrictive on the permissions that you set on the object and it's scripts.


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