MUV601 - Robin Le Couteur - Assignment 1, blog 2 -2018 Blog 6 MUVE Locations - The Realm of Light The next location I chose to look at was the Realm of Light which can be located here: I chose here as my second location because it amazed me how detailed and beautiful you could make a place using SL’s fairly limited graphics. It felt like a great contrast to the Ivory Tower because unlike how the tower exists for practical and educational reasons, the Realm of Light almost purely exists for aesthetic reasons. When you teleport into the world, you land in an amazingly detailed forest with flying butterflies, fairies, detailed wispy grasses, trees with little glowing particles on them, and many other fantastic things. There’s relaxing sounds of birds, insects, and running water which make it obvious, along with everything else, that this is a place to relax and enjoy the scenery. The forest: There’...
MUV601 - Robin Le Couteur - Assignment 1, blog 5 - 2018 Blog 2 MUVE Locations - Ivory Tower Library of Primitives F or my first location, I chose the Ivory Tower Library of Primitives. The reason I chose it is because when I first went there with the class, I was quite impressed at the amount of work that had been put into it. I feel like it’s a great place to go if you want to learn about how to build stuff in SL. The amount of resources you can look through is incredible, so it’s great for both newcomers learning how to rez basic things as well as people wishing to expand their knowledge or refresh their memory on how to make complex shapes with primitives. Located in Natoma, ( ) The Ivory Tower Library of Primitives was created by Lumiere Noir who sadly passed away 2 years ago. It was first built in 2004 and got a rebuild in October 2009 and has been a fantastic place to learn ever since. Looking at what it provides for...
Assignment 3 Progress - Blog 4 In this blog I'll be talking about the progress with the general design of my project. My previous blogs talked mostly about the scripting and functional parts of the model, but never really the visuals. This blog is a bit late because I've been focusing more on other assignments, but here we go anyways. For the design of the environment that my piano would be in, I had quite a bit of difficulty thinking of something good. After wracking my brains I came up with something that was fairly interesting and would help fulfil some of the requirements of the build. Here's a bit of a prototype that I came up with in SketchUp: The idea was that I could go in the bottom and teleport up to the top, and when I'm done have a similar doorway to teleport back down. The curved shape could also be reproduced in SL with special prim manipulations which would fulfil some of the build requirements. Also as shown more here, I also decided on a ...
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