MUV601 - Robin Le Couteur - Assignment 1, blog 3 -2018
MUV601 - Robin Le Couteur - Assignment 1, blog 3 -2018
Blog 3 MUVE Viewers - Firestorm
The first viewer I will discuss is the viewer we are using for
class: Firestorm.
Firestorm is developed by The Phoenix Firestorm Project Inc.
which is a non-profit organization consisting of about 80 volunteers whose goal
is to improve the user experience of people using SL and other virtual worlds like
the various OpenSim worlds, by providing users with more features than the basic
Linden Labs SL viewer.
Firestorm provides users with the ability to log into the Second Life grid, but also supports OpenSim grids. Because of the lack of users, and difficulty to develop for OpenSim, they no longer actively support it, but it will still work ok with most OpenSim grids. In terms of actual inworld functionality, I found that it was almost the same as the other viewer I tried, Alchemy, and most of the functions are just base features from Linden Labs. When you get in the menus you start to see the differences. In Firestorm I noticed that there was more steps to get to some options, and example is the sun settings.
As you can see in the below images, it's simpler to access on the Alchemy Viewer with the quick access tools on the side.
Example of Alchemy:

Here's an example of the full firestorm interface, it must be noted that I'm not using the default skin:

Here's an example of the full firestorm interface, it must be noted that I'm not using the default skin:
My Impressions
When I first saw Firestorm, the UI felt outdated, but otherwise once I got used to SL controls and tweaked the settings, it wasn't too bad. I like the interface of Alchemy more cause Firestorm just feels a little over-complicated in some spots. Otherwise there's not much else I can can say other than that it is a pretty stable viewer compared to Alchemy. I'll probably keep using it as my main viewer just cause there's no problems while I'm running it, but basically Firestorm for more features(I don't even use most of the extra features), or Alchemy for clean interface.
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