MUV601 - Robin Le Couteur - Assignment 3, blog 1 planning - 2018

Assignment 3 Initial Planning

Chosen Option

The option I chose for this assignment content creation with interactive complexity. I'll be making an interactive music display that involves a giant piano keyboard that people can walk on to make sounds and some other interactive elements.

The purpose of this project is to create a fun, friendly environment where people can be creative with music and sounds. it can be enjoyed as an individual, or it can be used by a group to experiment with collaborative creativity and to just have fun. This project has possible educational uses as well to teach music concepts in a fun environment.

The six interactive complexity requirements I will be including in this project are the following:
  • A scanning system that will detect the presence of an avatar then interact with the avatar in some manner
  • An instance of scripted communication with an avatar via main chat
  • An appropriate particle system
  • The presentation of a dialog menu with a minimum of three options displayed
  • The sitting of an avatar on a prim with the purpose of either “seating” or “teleporting” the avatar
  • Prim movement through scripting

This is my current idea of what I will include, but this may change as I develop the project.

Learning Goals

My learning goals that completing this project will help me achieve are the following:

  • Learn how to create a model outside of SL and import it (I will use this to build the groundwork of the project)
  • Be able to work with different types of interactive scripting such as activating object movement, color change, effects(Glow, brightness), and sound activation on object touch, when an object is stood on, or any other ways to interact with objects that I discover.
  • Be able to design in a way that creates a specific atmosphere or feeling. 

Resources and Design Ideas

I've drawn my inspiration from music displays that I've seen on the net such as the following examples:

I would like to include things like glowing objects when they are activated and perhaps the keys could move. There will be other elements as well that I may to include such as different ways to interact with the keys, but at this stage I think a key will be activated when you stand on it.

Apart from the piano, some possibilities are to include different elements such as having buttons or other interactive elements that activate special sounds or change the sounds that the piano uses. An idea at the moment is maybe build a theremin that responds to where you are standing to adjust the pitch and volume; I'll need to research what scripting is involved.

My source for sounds will most likely come from sound libraries from the copy of Ableton Live that I own. I have rights to the use of these sounds so copyright isn't an issue. I'll probably make individual files for each note and set a script to play that file on note activation.
Sounds that I can use are things like static notes, chords, and drum loops, all which can be used to create an interesting musical experience.

My initial plan is to start building the frame of my project in SketchUp since I am familiar with it as a modelling tool. I'll then start with the piano keys and scripting, then I'll texture what I have so far. Depending on how fast I get that done, I'll start to add additional sounds to the piano and add separate instruments alongside the piano.

Here is a more structured timeline that shows my current projections on what I'm planning to complete and when:

Week 10 - May 14

  • Start SketchUp model of project framework
  • Gather sound resources
  • Weekly blog update

Week 11 - May 21

  • Have SketchUp model imported
  • Build keys and set up basic reaction script to activate sounds
  • Weekly blog update

Week 12 - May 28

  • Start texturing project
  • Start additional instruments
  • Add extra visual fx to key activation such as color, lighting, particles
  • Weekly blog update

Week 13 - June 4

  • Add different sound sets for the piano to chose from.
  • Flesh out sounds and scripting of all instruments
  • Weekly blog update

Week 14 - June 11

  • Make dialog with instructions on how to use the display when user enters the display. Make sure there is a sign that people can access these instructions at any time.
  • Script welcome sound to set the atmosphere
  • Weekly blog update

Week 15 - June 18

  • Finalize visual fx for instruments
  • Finalize sound sets for instruments
  • Finalize any other elements that are needed for the project
  • Final project reflection blog


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