MUV601 - Robin Le Couteur - Assignment 3, blog 2 - 2018

Assignment 3 Initial Progress - Blog 2 Model This project started with me testing SketchUp model imports. To do this I made a simple terrain feature in SketchUp, then exported it as a COLLADA .dae file. Here is the model in SketchUp: While exporting is was important to make sure that the settings were right. The notable ones are 'Export Two-Sided Faces' and 'Triangulate All Faces'. These were not enabled by default and meant that I got weird graphical glitches such as faces not being visible on both sides and additional faces appearing from the original faces not being triangulated. After importing successfully, this is how it appeared in Second Life: With confirmation that imports were working properly, I made a keyboard in SketchUp and imported it into Second Life. I had to make sure that on import, the LOD settings for it were set to be full LOD for any view distance. This is because the keys would distort at a distance and their sh...